Execution Timeout

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If you would like to specify execution timeout, you can do this in the following ways:

  • Change timeout value in application options; changing timeout value in the application options window (General group) affects default timeout value for the newly created projects. It is also a default timeout value for the basic request window unless basic request window is opened via some project request item.
  • Change timeout value in projects properties; if you have created the project, its default timeout value is the same as the value set in application options. However, you can permanently change timeout value for the project in project properties (General tab).
  • Change timeout value in the execution window; when execution window is opened to execute request items from the currently open project, default timeout value is the same as timeout value of the open project. However, timeout value can be temporarily changed for the current execution session with the corresponding button in the execution window toolbar.
  • Change timeout value in the basic request window; when basic request window is opened, default execution timeout is determined in the following way:
    • If basic request window is opened via some request item of the currently open project, default timeout value is the same as timeout value of the open project.
    • If basic request window is opened directly (not opened via some request item), timeout value is the last timeout value that was used in the basic request window. If basic request has not been executed in the past, timeout value is the same as timeout value set in application options.
    However, timeout value can be changed for the current basic request session with the corresponding button in the basic request window toolbar.
Execution timeout is always specified in seconds.